Thursday, February 26, 2009

A beginning

A few days ago I found myself ankle deep in a rousing new bit of fantasy literature - in this case She Is the Darkness by Glenn Cook - and it was not until about the halfway point that I realized something disturbing.  I had read this before.  Not merely this particular book, but this entire series.  And this was the eighth book.  It was then that I was forced to come to terms with two things: 

1) I read a lot. That is, to an unusual extent.  On average I read about a novel a day, and as such, the vast majority of the fiction that I go through is often lost in pursuit of my next bout of escapism.

2) My memory sucks.  Now, as someone who loves fiction this isn't always a bad thing.  Give it a few years, and I can enjoy my favorite novels nearly as much as I did the first time around. But on the other hand, often I can't remember the name and plots of the books I was oh so enthralled in just a week past, let alone the scores of adventures lost in antiquity.

In an effort to address the latter, I have decided to turn to blogging.  Each book I read henceforth will be followed by a blog, both catalouging the results and giving a general run down of the novel.  I suppose some kind of rating would be prudent as well.  I'll figure something out.  In any case, it will be a purely self serving pursuit.  However, if by some strange chance a reader happens by and finds my posting useful, I daresay I shall not be offended.

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